Lately I’ve been working on memorizing my favorite scriptures. My good friend, who has been helping me with weekly bible studies for the last year, suggested index cards. Although the idea was a great one, with four kids, my flashcards often ended up scattered or lost. It was almost perfect timing that I received a great little leather notebook.
I first saw this notebook as an advertisement on Facebook for The moment I saw it, I knew I wanted it. I have a great love for unique, antiquish (yes, I just made up a word) things. If it looks classy and old, my heart starts to pitter patter with happy thoughts. Maybe it’s my love for history, or perhaps a time when things were simpler, but there is a charm in mementos from yesteryear.
Once I opened my beautiful new book, I was struck by the instant idea about how great it would be to write my favorite scriptures in it. Truly, losing a book is much harder than losing index cards that can become scattered. I write a passage, or two, three, sometimes quite a few more, on the front page, highlighting each new verse with a little star. Snowflake? Asterisk? Whatever. Then on the back I write which book, chapter and verse(s).
Usually, I just love to read my favorite scriptures. I flip through my pages picking out the ones that bring me comfort depending on the situation. When the mood strikes, I’ll challenge myself to remember what book it is. I seem to have a harder time with numbers, not being a great number person, but with practice I’m slowly getting them memorized.
I recently ordered my daughter’s their own books so that they too can hopefully begin writing their favorite scriptures. I think it would be fun to challenge each other by reading out of each other’s books and quizzing one another.
So, if you are interested in my method to memorization, here is a detailed list of how I do it:
1.I placed colored, opaque, sticker tabs in the front of my bible
2.During bible study or meetings I highlight favorite verses.
3.If there is a long section I want to remember, I point the arrow to the right at the top and to the left at the bottom.
4.After the kids go to bed, or if they are quietly playing, I’ll gather my supplies. I grab my favorite pen, a BIC Crystal Ballpoint Pen, my book and my bible. I might make some coffee or tea. Then I cuddle up in one of my favorite spots with a favorite blanket. It’s all about comfort.
5.I unbind my book to see where I’ve previously left off writing.
6.I open my bile to a scripture I’d like to write. I read the initial verse and also the surrounding verses to see what I’d like to write. Sometimes a single verse will suffice. Often I find the following 2 or 3 verses go along well with it and I want to include those too. If there are many, I might write the important verse larger and the accompanying ones in smaller print. I try to squeeze everything on one page, but there are times I’ve had to use two. Thankfully, the paper is unlined, so I can write without restriction.
7.I star/snowflake/asterisk the beginning of each verse.
7.On the back of the page, I write the book, chapter and verses. Sometimes I’ll put the main one at the top and the following verses down below. I haven’t decided if this is helpful or hindering yet. I’m starting to think I should just write it all in one spot.
8.Sometimes I’ll doodle a little scrolling along the main verse to separate it from the minor accompanying ones.
9.In free moments I read about 3-6 pages and quiz myself on the book’s name. If I have that memorized, I work on the chapter. If I also have that memorized, I work on the exact verse.
10.In moments of stress, I simply read through my favorites that touch my heart.
I find that doing this helps me to recall needed scriptures at times when they are most needed. If I am stressed, sometimes a soothing passage will pop into my head and help cam me. When I need to encourage my children, sometimes a related passage will help me, help them. If I have a friend in need, a certain verse can help me remember how to respond and help them in a delicate and thoughtful way.
What do you use to help you memorize scriptures? Are you going to, or have you tried my way? I’d love to hear your success stories!