52 Project, Week 23: Green
I love the color green! It’s thrilling when the sun warms the earth in spring and everything seems to pop with green overnight. The world comes alive with energy and excitement.
When I see garden centers set up outside local stores, I feel like a kid in a candy store. I always want to stop and peer into their shady depths to see what treasures lie within. I fall in love with all of the things growing around me. Usually, choosing just one thing is difficult. During the end of the season sales, I end up splurging on a variety of plants, trying new things that have caught my eye.
A few years ago, an asparagus fern was one of these purchases. I knew nothing about it other than the fact that it was a cute little fern. I put it in a pot and it survived my brown thumb days.
My little fern has grown up quite tall and is beautiful. I’ve learned a few things through experience. Asparagus ferns have thorns like roses and must be navigated carefully. It loves to be watered and will start to die if it dries out. If part of it dies, all of the soft feathery “leaves” turn into a million sharp needles. Out of personal safety, I opt to always take especially good care in watering it frequently.
I have had great fun photographing all of my plants this year. One of my favorite all-green images is my asparagus fern. It might be an acquired taste to love, but I truly adore my plant. It’s got a feisty personality and I have a soft spot for feisty things.
Do you have an asparagus fern you love? What is your favorite green thing?
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Next Week: 52 Project, Week 24: Words
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