52 Project, Week 5: Warmth
When I think of warmth, I think of things that make me feel warm and fuzzy inside. A nice roaring fire and a toasty oven give off some comfortable warmth that I love to lounge in front of. My favorite place to stay warm though, is my bed. I love my bed. My favorite time of day is bedtime, when I can crawl underneath my comforter and pull one of my favorite throw blankets up around me.
The air is usually cold in our house since we live in a historic, drafty old home in Minnesota. I’ll often have a few of my little ones crawl in bed with me, should I sneak up for a bit of quiet time during the day. We might quietly read together, watch the JW app on our Roku, talk about life, write or draw in our journals, or even just take a nap. I think that if my bed were big enough, all my children would happily sleep with me at night, just like when they were little.
I chose to photograph all of my children’s feet side by side. I used to kiss their toes as babies and marvel at how small they were. Now they are growing and so are their feet! Someday, each of their feet will be just as big as my own.
Do you love to snuggle with your wee ones in your bed? What do you think of when you hear the word, warmth?

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