52 Project, Week 8: Winter Trees
It was snowing heavily as I dropped Mr. Awesome off at school. Princess and I went to one of our favorite parks and were excited to see thick, fluffy flakes covering everything in sight. It was the perfect conditions to capture some winter trees. It was snowing so heavily, I was worried we wouldn’t be able to get a clear enough shot of the trees for the project! Maybe that’s what being a winter tree is all about though.
After playing for a little while and enjoying the wonder that is a thick snowfall, it started to lessen and I got some clearer shots of Princess and the trees. Thankfully, my little snow princess loves to play outside any time of year so she was still in a great mood so I could get a cute portrait of her. I’m hoping to get the same spot for spring, summer, and fall. Maybe I’ll even take a different child for every season.
I love these trees because of the tangle of branches that seem to bend and twist in weird angles as though they are dancing. In winter, when their leaves are gone and you can see the branches, trees remind me of the human body. Some trees look like lungs, with the trachea as the trunk and the bronchi and bronchioles as the branches. Others remind me of neurons. Nature repeats itself in beautiful and fascinating ways. We can’t see the artistry that is inside of the human body without special equipment. It’s far too small for the naked eye. Seeing it with technology is just as incredible though! It’s amazing to think of all of these wonders, this art from our great creator, are hiding inside of us. Looking at the same patterns in trees makes me feel in awe of God and all that he has done for us.
I hope you enjoyed our winter trees! Do you have a favorite grove of trees? Share them with us!

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